Saturday, July 26, 2008

Various Exercise To be Fit

By Bhadresh Bundela

Stretching Exercises For The Back
Hamstring muscles have a direct association with back pain. It is actually the tightening of hamstring muscles that causes lower back pain. To strengthen your back, it's essential to perform stretching exercises for the back. Exercises for back muscles will not only give relief from pain, but also will tone up your back muscles.

Here are some easy to perform back strengthening exercises:

Exercise 1:• Stand straight and stretch your arms upwards.
• Now bend down and make an attempt to touch your toes, but don't let your legs bend.
• Be in this position for a couple of seconds and then get back to the original position.
• Repeat this exercise for at least 12-16 times.

Exercise 2:
• Sit on a chair and straighten your legs, resting them on another chair.
• Now try touching your toes with your hands, but make sure that your legs don't bend.
• Hold the position for a few seconds and then come back to normal position.
• Do about 12-16 repetitions.

Exercise 3:• Lie down on the floor facing upside.
• Keep your one leg crossed over the other.
• Gently pull the other knee toward your chest until you feel a stretch in your hips.
• Hold the position for about 30 seconds.

Exercise 4:• Stand straight with your hands resting on your hips.
• Gently twist your torso at waist level until you feel a stretch.
• Hold the position for a few seconds and now rotate on the other side and repeat the action.
• While performing the exercise, keep your knees slightly flexed. This stretching exercise will help to strengthen your middle back.
Eye Strengthening Exercises
To strengthen your eyes, there arises a need to perform exercises for eye muscles. Eye-strengthening exercises not only provide a complete relaxation to your tired eyes, but also help in improving your eyesight. There are innumerable eye exercises for better vision, so it becomes of prime importance to incorporate them in your health fitness exercise program.

Here are a couple of exercises for your eye muscles:• Concentrating on a particular object serves as an excellent solution to strengthen your eye muscles. You can hold a pen in your hand and concentrate on its tip for a couple of seconds. It is one of the simplest eye strengthening exercises and also one of the most effective one.
• Keep your head straight and look at something on your left side and then on right hand side. Keep doing this exercise for about 10-15 times.
• Keeping your head straight, look upwards and then downwards. Do about 10 -15 reps.
• Another fantastic exercise is to roll your eyes completely.
Posture Correction Exercises
In the present scenario, people are becoming very conscious about their looks. But they tend to overlook one of the most important aspects of personality, i.e. posture. Maintaining correct posture not only makes you feel fit and active, but also makes you look smarter and younger. Read further to know about the correct sitting posture…

Ideally your posture should be in such a manner that while sitting, your back is straight, chest up and out and your belly tucked in, because a bulging stomach destroys your very posture and makes it look unattractive. Make sure, that the chair you are sitting on is comfortable and gives support to your spine. When you sit, try sitting in one go, in the sense that there should be a flowing movement. Avoid jerky movements.

At the initial level, you might face a hard time sitting in a proper posture, but, if you make a sincere attempt to perform posture correction exercises, then nothing is impossible. There are plenty of exercises to correct posture and if carried out properly and regularly, they will show good visible results.

Here are some easy to do exercises to correct posture:• Take a chair and sit comfortably on it with your feet touching the floor. Relax your shoulders and keep your head straight. Now pull your chin in toward your neck.
• There is an exercise called shoulder blade squeeze, which is very simple to perform. All you need to do is to sit on a chair, with your hands resting on your thighs. Keep your shoulders straight and then slowly move your shoulders backwards and squeeze your shoulder blades together.
• One of the easiest exercises is abdominal pull-in, in which you need to inhale and then exhale slowly to a count of five, pulling your tummy in.


1 comment:

Mehek said...

Thanks for sharing nice information about fitness .